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Table 1 Summary of key cases

From: Learning from women veterans who navigate invisible injuries, caregiving, and reintegration challenges









Early 30s, White, Army 9 years, 2 OEF deployments

Worked in the banking industry, quit due to mental health and to be present with children; works part-time and part- time school (as of 24 m)

PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, MST; Receives mental health care through Vet Center; assigned to male providers despite request for female only providers in response to dermatology clinic experience, reports fear of burden & retaliation

Divorced, single mother raising 3 children; Best friend/neighbor is primary support; some contact with mother and grandmother but report “they’re toxic”

Moderate improvement; mental health is improved slightly since baseline; limited social support; continued issues with disclosure and asking for help; balancing childcare, part-time job, and school


50s, White, Retired Navy after 24 years, combat deployment

Lone female in security agency; has three master’s degrees

PTSD, MST; doesn’t seek out mental health care due to stigma but receives physical health care at the VA; experiences challenges with VA providers’ lack of knowledge of how to treat women-specific conditions; discusses necessity of self-advocacy in her care

Initial report of wide social network, married to a veteran with 3 adult sons from previous marriage; Quality of social connections weaker than initially perceived, limited support from husband (24 m)

no current issues with mental health but utilizes self-care in form of quilting, essential oils, etc. Demonstrated high success until final interview; more limited & less quality social support, challenges connecting with sons; barrier to access mental health due to career; 7 years post-separation & feels she is “still a work in progress”


Early 30s, Latina/ African American, Army 5 years, deployed to OEF-A

Lone female in telecommunications industry performing manual labor; has some college education

Significant physical injuries, PTSD, fertility issues; seeks out health care at the VA but reports lack of knowledge and availability of women’s healthcare

Married to a Veteran but lacks support; Has one child from previous marriage and experiences fertility challenges

Overall minimal improvement, “it is what it is” mentality; moderate mental health improvements in therapy;

financial stressors & physical demands of job impact quality of life

  1. a Career: descriptive information from Education and Work/Career codes
  2. b Healthcare: perspectives with providers, medication, treatment from Health Services code
  3. c Family/Social: content about social support, family, and friends from Social Network code and subcodes
  4. d Reintegration: content from Early Transition, Identity/Self-Perceptions and Reintegration codes