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Table 2 CHERRIES for used web survey

From: An acceptance analysis of a sexual health education digital tool in resource-poor regions of Kenya: an UTAUT based survey study

Item Category

Checklist Item



Describe survey design

The target population are primarily young women in Kenya. Therefore we placed the study in community centers, girl schools and universities in Kenya. The sample is not a convenience sample.

IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval and informed consent process

IRB approval

The ethic committee of the university of Witten/Herdecke approved the survey on 06.08.2022 under the protocol code: S-119/2022.

Informed consent

Participants were informed on the welcome page of the survey. The Information and Consent for Participation in Research Study have been provided in English and Swahili. The participants in the study remain anonymous. By clicking the checkbox consent was confirmed.

Data protection

The survey was hosted and all data were stored on its own secure server. No personal information was linked to survey results in any way.

Development and pre-testing

Development and testing

The used methods (UTAUT & SUS) consists of mainly standardised questions, which have been proved in various previous studies. Pre-testing was conducted using a sample of women in the community center in Kenya as well as women in Germany.

Recruitment process and description of the sample having access to the questionnaire

Open survey versus closed survey

The survey was an open survey.

Contact mode

The study was placed in community centres, girl schools and universities in Kenya. This was supported by the social initiative of Boehringer Ingelheim, Making More Health, (MHH). The participants were able to share the link to the study with friends e.g. via WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

Advertising the survey

The study was announced by the contact persons in the community centres, girl schools and universities.

Survey administration


The survey was hosted on its own web server by the University Witten/Herdecke in Germany, using the software LimeSurvey.


The landing page of the survey was publicly accessible and distributed through an URL. This ensured that participants were able to share the survey.


The survey was completely voluntary. Users could

access the landing page without completing the survey.


No incentives were offered to participants.


The survey period was from 01.12.22 to 31.01.2023.

Randomization of items or questionnaires

Survey items were not randomized.

Adaptive questioning

No adaptive questioning was used.

Number of Items

Section A: 9 questions

Section B: 6 questions with 4–8 statements to be assessed

Section C: 10 standardized questions

Section D: 3 open-ended questions

Number of screens (pages)

One welcome page and 9 pages with survey items

Completeness check

Most survey items were mandatory, and respondents were prompted to complete outstanding items before leaving the survey page.

Review step

Participants were able to review and change their answers by clicking the Back button.

Response rates

Unique site visitor

No cookies or IP controls were used to ensure that people could participate consecutively from the same device. Participation devices were brought to the survey.

View rate (Ratio of unique survey visitors/unique site visitors)

Not measured.

Participation rate (Ratio of unique visitors who agreed to participate/unique first survey page visitors)

Not measured.

Completion rate (Ratio of users who finished the survey/users who agreed to participate)

Section A: 77/77 = 100%

Section B: 65/77 = ~ 84%

Section C: 64/77 = ~ 83%

Section D: 63/77 = ~ 82%

Preventing multiple entries from the same individual

Cookies used

No Cookies were used.

IP check

No cookies or IP controls were used.

Log file analysis

Indicate whether other techniques to analyze the log file for identification of multiple entries were used. If so, please describe.


Not necessary, since the survey was an open survey.


Handling of incomplete questionnaires

Only completed questionnaires were included in the analysis.

Questionnaires submitted with an atypical timestamp

Not used.

Statistical correction

No statistical correction procedures or weightings were used in the analysis.