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Table 4 Relationship between the serum 25(OH) D concentrations and UL in the unadjusted model and adjusted logistic regression models

From: U-shaped association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and urinary leakage among adult females aged 45 years and over in the United States: a cross-sectional study


OR (95% CI) P Value

Serum 25(OH)D concentrations

Unadjusted model a

Adjusted model b

25(OH) D(continuous)

1.004 (1.003, 1.004) < 0.01

1.0030 (1.002, 1.004) < 0.01

25(OH) D(categorical)


< 25.00




0.969(0.866, 1.086) = 0.587

0.883 (0.786, 0.993) = 0.03


1.2146 (1.006, 1.460) < 0.01

1.307 (1.190, 1.435) < 0.01

≥ 75.00

0.9521 (0.999, 1.084) = 0.633

1.014 (0.949, 1.083) = 0.67

  1. a Unadjusted model represent Crude model including 25(OH) D;
  2. b Adjusted model adjusted for sociodemographic variables (including age, race, education, income and BMI), drink, smoke, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, pregnant and vaginal deliveries history