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Table 3 Selected codes, sub-themes and themes

From: The need for and acceptability of a curriculum to train nursing and medical students in the sexual healthcare of clients with female genital mutilation/cutting in Tanzania

Selected codes



Not knowing much about FGM

Heard about the practice

Not knowing what to do with FGM patients

Inadequate knowledge among HCPs

Education to improve the competence and confidence

Less confidence to face FGM patients

Being unable to help a victim

Lack of confidence among HCPs

Interested on part of history taking

Applicability in the society

Highly relevant to the society

Readiness of HCPs to be trained

Skills is useful in effort to combat

FGM is still ongoing in Tanzania

Support of HCPs in addressing the issue

Collective efforts to combat FGM

A desire for ending the FGM/C practice

FGM result in emotional and psychological issues

FGM leads to sexual health challenges

FGM is against human rights

FGM result in many health impacts

Knowledge on the FGM/C practice and its impacts

Role and benefits of training on the impact of FGM/C

Building confidence and competence

Providing appropriate care

Improve ability to treat FGM patients

Perceived benefits of the training to the HCPs

Reduce childbirth complications

Maintain women sexual health

Protection of reproductive health

Reduction of sexual violence

Perceived benefits of the training to women

Community empowerment

Reduce burden of infections

Reduction of stigmatization

Perceived benefits of the training to the community

Involving more affected areas

Centering a training to vulnerable

Focus on pastoralists

Raising community awareness first

Adequacy involvement of the community

Content and approaches for delivering the training

Evidence why FGM is harmful

Focus on psychological and emotional support

How to care the related complications

Focus of the content

Training the majority of HCPs

Having more time of the training

Using standardized patients

Teaching modalities